Sometimes I get myself into a lot of trouble-but really- all I was trying to do was save a few bucks and keep Dona from spending more money on a new tv stand (entertainment center).
I said "Why don't we just down size the existing entertainment cabinet we have. I'm sure I can do it and make it look good." It wasn't long before I was measuring and examining the project.
Put a saw in my hands and I'm a cutting fool!!! (within reason of course) I'm going to take one of the doors and use it as the top.
Put a saw in my hands and I'm a cutting fool!!! (within reason of course) I'm going to take one of the doors and use it as the top.
All I did was take off two feet of wasted space and reconnect the heavy, cumbersome, extravegant top and "wallah" Donna has her new cabinet and I've scored some much needed points to keep wifey happy.
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